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Environmental Impact

Scunthorpe Hot Tubs believe in promoting sustainable practices. We work with suppliers and manufacturers that share our values and who are actively striving to do better.

Here are some of the ways we’re doing that, and how it benefits you:

Award-Winning Insulation

Our suppliers are leading the way in insulation innovation for their products. Both Sunbeach Spas and Oasis Spas use layers of high-density foam which reduce heat loss significantly, saving the burden on your pocket and the amount of energy you use.

The Latest in Energy-Efficiency Technology

When it comes to energy efficiency, there are many factors that make our Oasis Range some of the most energy-efficient Hot Tubs on the market. These hot tubs are specifically designed to be as energy-efficient, economic, and eco-friendly as possible.

High-Tech Water Filtration System

It’s important for you and your skin to have clean water, but it’s also important for the environment. Oasis Hot Tubs keep your water cleaner for longer, reducing your water usage, and keeping your hot tub the best it can be. 

We Plant 10 Trees For Every Hot Tub We Sell

We’ve partnered with Treeapp to plant trees across the world to offset some of the carbon emissions related to the hot tub industry and to give back to our beautiful world for the future of our families and children.

Treeapp’s tree planting activities contribute to rehabilitating ecosystems in countries where deforestation has been the strongest. This list includes Burundi, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Guinea, Madagascar, Mozambique, Kenya, Indonesia, Nepal, Peru, Brazil and Haiti.
Our donations will also support Treeapp’s other initiatives which go beyond planting trees, promoting economic independence, gender equality and local entrepreneurship in the forestry sector across the world. 
Some examples of these are:
  • In Burundi they support plastic-free nurseries and electric bicycles for transporting seedlings up hilly areas.
  • In Tanzania they work with educational programmes in which children learn about the benefits of reforestation.
  • In Nepal they plant fruit trees with women-led groups in order to promote gender equality in rural societies.
Thank you to everyone for choosing Scunthorpe Hot Tubs and helping us support initiatives like this.

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