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Our Commitment to Accessibility

We are dedicated to making our website accessible and inclusive for all user groups. This commitment is reflected in our approach, which includes a range of accessibility features and our adherence to the World Wide Web Consortium’s Web Accessibility Initiative (WCAG WAI) 2.0 guidelines at level A.


Accessibility Features

  • Keyboard Navigation: ‘Skip to main content’ links for direct access past the navigation menu.
  • Text Size: Text size can be adjusted through your browser’s settings (View – Text Size).
  • Alternative Text for Images: All images include descriptive alternative text.
  • Heading Structure: HTML heading elements for easy navigation using assistive technologies.
  • Descriptive Link Text: Hyperlinks are clear and make sense out of context, distinguished stylistically from body text.
  • JavaScript Independence: Alternative mechanisms for navigation and functionality where JavaScript is used.
  • Colour Contrast: Ensured text and background colour combinations are contrast-rich; information is not conveyed by colour alone.
  • CSS Usage: Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) for layout with structured markup for content, ensuring accessibility even when style sheets are disabled.
  • Accessible Share Price Charting: Includes a large font version, a colour-blind friendly version, and a text-based equivalent for our share price charting tool.

Feedback and Assistance

Your experience on our site matters to us. If you encounter any accessibility barriers or have suggestions, please reach out to us. We welcome your feedback and questions to continually improve our accessibility standards.

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